Hi, I'm David.
Building sophisticated software solutions and being part of great teams is both, my passion and my profession. I'm excited about coding, blogging, open-source stuff, the dev community, conferences, books and many more. I'm currently based in Vienna.
Very excited to announce I'm joining SQUER.
Articles, Conference Talks, and Trainings will be published there.
Find me on squer.io
MicroFrontends - a Strive for Fully Verticalized Systems
EnterJS (Darmstadt, Deutschland) - 27 June 2019
Micro Frontends
DevoxxPL (Krakow, Poland) - 24 June 2019
Verticalized Systems and Micro Frontends
Voxxed Days Athen (Athen, Greece) - 07 June 2019
Other stuff i do
Developer Melange
Vienna Coding Dojo
Let's make
something great
David Leitner
Anton-Kuh-Weg 5/43
1030 Wien
Vienna, Austria - david@leitner.io
- xing.com
- linkedin.com